New Zealand embraces steady growth in international education

New Zealand is strengthening its reputation as a sought-after destination for international students, with leaders and educators highlighting the benefits of a balanced approach to growth.
Australia’s international education sector faces adjustments with 2025 cap

Australia’s international education sector is undergoing changes as its government introduces new regulations to manage the influx of international students.
ENZ targets to grow international education to NZ$4.4 billion by 2027

Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) announced on 5 August a three-year plan to grow and diversify the international student population, aiming to build the economic contribution of international education to NZ$4.4 billion by 2027.
New Zealand expands work visa rights for accompanying dependents of international students

Immigration New Zealand has announced the expansion of work rights for partners of certain foreign students, aiming to make the country more attractive for international education and skilled migration.
English Australia responds to proposed international education reforms

English Australia, the national association for English Language Teaching (ELT) providers in Australia, has voiced significant reservations regarding the Australian government’s proposed reforms to international education. In a detailed consultation brief, the organisation has highlighted key concerns with the Draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework and the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality […]
New Zealand welcomes 67% increase in international student enrolment

After experiencing a downturn resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, New Zealand’s international education sector has made a remarkable recovery in 2023. This strikes a new growing popularity from the previous 43% surge in their international student enrolments last 20 March. According to the newly released figures by Education New Zealand (ENZ), the number of international […]
Australia’s collaborative approach to higher education attracts UK interest

Experts praised Australia’s recent higher education reforms as a ‘great model’ for the UK during a HEPI webinar, highlighting the Universities Accord report, as an example of successful government-university collaboration and ambitious sector targets.
Australia confirms plan to cap international student enrolments

The Australian government has announced a plan to cap international student enrolments which aims to regulate the sector more effectively in response to the impacts of recent student visa policies.
Australian universities nearing overseas enrolment caps

With student visa approvals increasing and enrolments rising, administrators are working to manage budgets as they approach these limits.
Australia releases new strategy to strengthen international education sector

The Australian government announced a draft of the International Education and Skills Strategic Framework to safeguard the quality and integrity of the nation’s international education sector.